Is Corro-Protec safe to use with a water softener?
Our response
Absolutely, you can use the Corro-Protec powered anode rod with any water treatment system safely. No matter what type of water softener system you’re using, the Corro-Protec rod will adjust itself automatically to work effectively with your water.
More information about Water Softener
How Does a Water Softener Work: A Detailed Explanation
Water softening is a process that can greatly improve the quality of your water and extend the life of your appliances, especially water heaters. However, […]
Water Softener Shower Head : 1 Better Alternative
Ongoing exposure to hard water can reduce your shower head flow rate by up to 75%. While many homeowners turn to a water softener shower head, […]
Why Does My Well Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs?
Why Does My Well Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs? Hydrogen sulfide gas is often responsible for giving well water a “rotten egg” smell or taste. […]
Choosing the Right Electric Anode Rod for Your Water Heater
When it comes to maximizing the lifespan and efficiency of your water heater, selecting the right electric anode rod is crucial. Electric anode rods, such […]
Powered Anode Rod
Corro-Protec’s anode rod for water heaters fits any residential tank on the market. Get the most durable and versatile anode available.
What is an Anode Rod?
You might have heard about an anode rod if you have a hot water heater. But what exactly is it, and why is it important? […]
Powered Anode Rod for RV Water Heaters
Our RV powered anode rod fits all Suburban RV water heaters. Enjoy the power of our permanent corrosion protection and more.