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Trial kit includes :
- 1x Corro-Protec 40-89 gallon anode rod
- Installation guide
- Promotional flyers(10)
Why offering Corro-Protec to your customers?
- Solves problems permanently:
- Double water heater life
- Stop rotten egg smell
- Reduce limescale buildup
- Easy to sell and install
- No contract or obligation to purchase
- 20 Year Warranty
- Customer service & Tech support all handled by CP
- Quality Control made in Canada
- Fast & Free Shipping
- 4.6 / 5 +5000 reviews
- Market Leader

How Magnesium Anode Rod Works?
The magnesium anode rod will sacrifice itself to protect the water heater. Since corrosion always attacks weaker metals first, the magnesium anode will corrode until it is about 50% consumed. After that, the tank will start to rust at the same time the anode will finish corrode.
For optimal protection, customers should replace the sacrificial anode rod once a year. Those rods also create sediment buildup at the bottom of the tank.
How Corro-Protec Anode Work?
The Corro-Protec system is a powered anode rod system. When the rectifier is connected to the nearest outlet, the rod in the tank supply a small amount of current into the water heater. This current completely stops the loss of energy from all metals to which the ground is connected. The corrosion process is then completely stopped.
Since the anode is made out of titanium, it does not disintegrate over time and doesn’t need any maintenance.